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NeonaCal is no ordinary neonatal calculator. It is designed with day to day neonatal issues in mind guided by direct field experience.
NeonaCal provides quick solutions for different situations arising in Delivery room,NICU , and Out-patient Clinics ,including:
- Fluids & Electrolytes :
• Base Deficit Correction.
• Calorie Intake.
• Feeds Intake.
• Fluid Concentration Adjustment.
• Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa+).
• Glucose Infusion Rate (GIR).
• Glucose Required.
• Hyponatraemia.
• Infusion Rate.
• TPN Rate Adjustment.
• Urine Output.
• Weight Loss and Dehydration.
- Gestational Age
• Age in Hours.
• Corrected Gestational Age.
• Date Of A Gestation Age.
• Gestational Age By EDD.
• Gestational Age By LMP.
• New Ballard Score.
- Measures
• Blood Pressure In Day One.
• Body Surface Area.
• ET tube size and insertion length.
• Great Saphenous PICC Line insertion length.
• Length Conversion.
• Temperature Conversion. (New)
• Umbilical Catheters Insertion Length.
• Weight Conversion metric to imperial and vice versa.
• Weight Gain/Loss.
- Infusions
• Adrenaline.
• Alprostadil (Prostaglandin E1).
• Dinoprostone (Prostaglandin E2).
• Dobutamine Hydrochloride.
• Dopamine Hydrochloride.
• Fentanyl Citrate.
• Generic Calculator.
• Levetiracetam.
• Magnesium Sulphate.
• Midazolam Hydrochloride.
• Morphine Sulphate.
• Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine).
• Nitroprusside (Sodium).
• Phenobarbital Sodium.
- Staging & Risk
• Apgar Score.
• EOS Calculator.
• Modified Finnegan Score. (New)
• Modified Sarnat Staging (HIE).
• Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology II.
• Therapeutic Hypothermia (Cooling).
- Ventilation
• Alveolar Arterial Oxygen Difference (AaDO2).
• Arterial/Alveolar O2 Tension (a/A Ratio).
• RSI. (New)
• Nitric Oxide Calculator.
• Oxygenation Index (OI).
• Surfactants.
• Ventilation Index (VI).